EVANGELICAL OUTREACH FOR MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION TO ALL NATIONS. Reaching out to nations the message of love and grace through revelational and inspirational messages. MISSION STATEMENT :- To reconcile all men back to GOD MANDATE:- Go, reconcile people back to me from all nations of the earth through prayer, manifestation of the holy spirit and revelation from the word. MOTTO: Restoring destinies

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Finest and sweetest wine

Today, this week I present to you the finest wine. john 2v1-10 in the marriage in Canaan where the finest wine was first introduced. during the marriage their wine got finish and a new wine was served and many tasted it and was wondering were the wine came from because it was the best so far. do you think the life you are living now is the best why don't you take the newest wine. the guest in the marriage felt they had the best wine so far not until they tasted the finest and newest wine. I bet you that where you are now is not the best for you all you need is to drink from the finest wine and there will be a change in your life.the newest and finest wine is JESUS.

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