EVANGELICAL OUTREACH FOR MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION TO ALL NATIONS. Reaching out to nations the message of love and grace through revelational and inspirational messages. MISSION STATEMENT :- To reconcile all men back to GOD MANDATE:- Go, reconcile people back to me from all nations of the earth through prayer, manifestation of the holy spirit and revelation from the word. MOTTO: Restoring destinies

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Caring father

A richest man without Jesus is poor and the
poorest man with Jesus is rich. Knowing Jesus
Christ gives peace. Are you saved? Because if you
are you will be unashamed. You can only find rest
in Jesus Christ Matthew 11:29, all he ever need from you is to give him your burden to help u with it, he also want you to hand over that fight to him because is too strong for you, all HE just want from you is to trust him with your soul. HE want you to have rest in totality... Amb Eromose sylvester

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